Profesionāli 1600 W jaudas invertori Plauktā stiprināms 2kva 48 V invertors ārkārtas situācijai ārpus telpām
Skatīt vairāk attēlu

Inverter power supply This product adopts advanced SPWM and CPU control technology, ar precīzu vadību un izvadi Ieejas un izejas izolāciju, output soft start,

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Pieprasiet tūlīt
Profesionāli 1600 W jaudas invertori Plauktā stiprināms 2kva 48 V invertors ārkārtas situācijai ārpus telpām
Inverter power supply This product adopts advanced SPWM and CPU control technology, ar precīzu vadību un izvadi Ieejas un izejas izolāciju, output soft start, safe and efficient, and good reliability. Considering the size of the installation space, the need for automation and networking of inverter management in the IT era, as well as the impact of noise on the staff in the office or computer room, the inverter is specially designed and produced.
Features of the product:

▶ True sine wave output (T.H.D < 3%)
▶ Large 128*64 digitālā LCD displeja datu informācija,4 LED displejs darbojas,;
▶ Standard 19” Rack mount case
5 Maršruti Sausais kontakts sistēmai (Līdzstrāvas ieejas kļūme, Maiņstrāvas ieejas kļūme, pārslodzes informācija, apvada informācija un izvades kļūda)
▶ RS232 and RS485 & Izvēles SNMP sakaru ports

Product advantages:
▶ PWM and SPWM inverter control technology, product safety and stability;
▶ Using CPU to convert the power of the inverter power supply, the system stability is higher;
▶ The inverter has a variety of built-in communication interfaces (RS232, RS485, dry contacts, utt.)
▶ LED+LCD status display, using 6-digit touch buttons; simple operation
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