Rack invertoru tehnoloģija turpina pilnveidoties, piemēram, trīs CPU vadības tehnoloģijas izmantošana, augstfrekvences komutācijas tehnoloģija, utt., lai uzlabotu produkta veiktspēju un uzticamību.
Lasīt vairākRack invertoru tehnoloģija turpina pilnveidoties, piemēram, trīs CPU vadības tehnoloģijas izmantošana, augstfrekvences komutācijas tehnoloģija, utt., lai uzlabotu produkta veiktspēju un uzticamību.
Lasīt vairākStrāvas pārveidotājs ir elektroniska ierīce, kas pārveido līdzstrāvu (DC) maiņstrāvā (AC). Šī pārveidošana ir būtiska, lai izmantotu līdzstrāvas barošanas avotus, piemēram, baterijas un saules paneļi, ar maiņstrāvas barošanu…
Lasīt vairākStatiskais pārsūtīšanas slēdzis (STS) ir ierīce, ko parasti izmanto energosistēmās, lai automātiski pārslēgtu strāvas padevi tīkla atteices vai citas neparastas situācijas gadījumā. Uzraugot tādus parametrus kā…
Lasīt vairākStrāvas pārveidotājs ir elektroniska ierīce, kas pārveido līdzstrāvu (DC) maiņstrāvā (AC). Šī pārveidošana ir būtiska, lai izmantotu līdzstrāvas barošanas avotus, piemēram, baterijas un saules paneļi, ar maiņstrāvas barošanu…
Lasīt vairākAugstas frekvences tīra sinusa viļņu sakaru invertors ir divkāršs ievades invertora risinājums, kas īpaši paredzēts sakaru un jaudas lietojumiem.
Lasīt vairākPlaukta invertora galvenais uzdevums ir konvertēt tiešo strāvu (DC) Baterijas vai saules paneļi, ko rada maiņstrāva (AC) to prasa lielākā daļa elektrisko ierīču.
Lasīt vairākStrāvas pārveidotājs ir elektroniska ierīce, kas pārveido līdzstrāvu (DC) maiņstrāvā (AC). Šī pārveidošana ir būtiska, lai izmantotu līdzstrāvas barošanas avotus, piemēram, baterijas un saules paneļi, ar maiņstrāvas barošanu…
Lasīt vairākParalēlais invertors ir jaudas invertora veids, kas ļauj vairākām invertora vienībām darboties vienlaicīgi, nodrošinot palielinātu enerģijas jaudu un atlaišanu. Šo konfigurāciju bieži izmanto atjaunojamās enerģijas sistēmās, tāds ...
Lasīt vairākFotoelektriskais invertors ir ierīce, kas īpaši izstrādāta, lai konvertētu tiešo strāvu (DC) ģenerēts ar saules fotoelektrisko moduli pārmaiņus strāvā (AC).
Lasīt vairākShenzhen Baoweite Power Supply Co., SIA. ir augsto tehnoloģiju uzņēmums, kas nodarbojas ar enerģijas un sakaru produktu izpēti un ražošanu. Caur uzkrāšanas un attīstības gadiem, Baoweite ir kļuvusi par līderi…
Lasīt vairākGood morning everyone. Welcome to Bwitt news ,I am Cathy ,let us look through the great news AS we all know that rectifier system is with battery charger function ,and also support to…
Lasīt vairākThe working principle of the high-frequency inverter mainly involves converting the low-voltage DC power angle into high-frequency low-voltage AC power through high-frequency DC/AC conversion technology, then boosting it through a high-frequency transformer, rectifying…
Lasīt vairākDrošības jautājumi, kas jāņem vērā invertora projektēšanā 1. Jāizvēlas izstrādājumi ar metāla korpusu: Transportlīdzekļos uzstādītie invertori to lielās jaudas dēļ rada lielu daudzumu siltuma. Ja iekšējais siltums nevar būt…
Lasīt vairāk1. Saskaņā ar Elektrotehnikas un elektronikas inženieru institūta formulēto spektra dalījuma tabulu (IEEE), zemas frekvences frekvence ir 30–300 kHz, vidējās frekvences frekvence ir 300–3000 kHz, augstfrekvences frekvence ir 3 ~ 30 MHz, un…
Lasīt vairākAugstas frekvences invertoru elektroierīces ir sava veida komutācijas iekārtas, ko izmanto rūpniecībā. Kāds ir augstfrekvences invertoru darbības princips? Šo aprīkojumu kontrolē programmas loģika. Augstas frekvences pārveidotājs…
Lasīt vairākKādas ir sakaru skapju priekšrocības? Uzlabota drošība: Skapji nodrošina tīkla aprīkojuma fizisko aizsardzību, nepieļaujot nesankcionētu piekļuvi, manipulācijas, un zādzību. Tas ir īpaši svarīgi vidēs, kurās ir bažas par drošību.…
Lasīt vairākInvertora darbības laiks paver iespēju pagarināt jaudu ārpus tīkla. Šeit ir alternatīvas, kas jāapsver, no akumulatora jauninājumiem līdz videi draudzīgiem risinājumiem. Invertors iegūst ilgāka darbības laika risinājumu Uzlabojiet akumulatora jaudu: Pagarināt…
Lasīt vairākDaudziem invertoriem tirgū ir tikai saules uzlādes funkcija, un tiem nav tīkla un ģeneratora uzlādes funkciju. Tomēr, Sindun invertoram un akumulatora lādētājam ir visas funkcijas, ieskaitot saules uzlādi, uzlāde no tīkla…
Lasīt vairākVai mēs varam paši nomainīt UPS rezerves akumulatoru mājās? Baterijas ir ļoti svarīgas UPS sistēmas integritātei.
Lasīt vairākAtšķirībā no citiem UPS veidiem, kas tiek aktivizēti tikai strāvas padeves pārtraukumu laikā, tiešsaistes UPS var darboties nepārtraukti. Tas sastāv no trim galvenajām sastāvdaļām: taisngriezis, akumulators un invertors. Taisngriezis pārveido ienākošo maiņstrāvu…
Lasīt vairākGalvenā atšķirība starp industriālo UPS (nepārtrauktās barošanas avots) un komerciālais UPS ir to dizains un paredzētais pielietojums. Lai gan abi ir paredzēti, lai nodrošinātu rezerves barošanu strāvas padeves pārtraukuma gadījumā,…
Lasīt vairākUnderstanding these basic concepts will help guide you in making an informed decision about how many 12V batteries your 2000-watt inverter setup requires for optimal performance. Now that we've covered the basics, let's…
Lasīt vairākTrokšņu nodaļā, invertors strādā daudz klusāk. Šo iekšdedzes dzinēju darbības veida dēļ (mainīgs ātrums slodzes pieprasījuma izmaiņu dēļ)
Lasīt vairākThe power inverter (vehicle power supply) is a convenient power converter that can convert DC12V direct current into AC220V alternating current, which is the same as the mains power. It can be used…
Lasīt vairākLooking for an inverter? Communication power supply? Quality power products? Protams, choose BWITT Power Supply Company Professional choice
Lasīt vairākThere are two main ways of heat dissipation for pure sine wave inverters: one is to rely on its own assembly structure (heat sink) and use natural heat dissipation; the other is to…
Lasīt vairāk1. What is the difference between the continuous output power and the peak output power of a power inverter? Continuous power and peak power differ in what they mean. Continuous load = current…
Lasīt vairākToday's market economy and social activities are so dependent on information networks (the Internet, telecommunications networks, industrial automation control networks, government e-government websites, utt.)
Lasīt vairākParalēlais invertors sastāv no diviem tiristoriem (T1 un T2), kondensators, centrālais transformators un induktors.
Lasīt vairākTechnical characteristics of rack-mounted UPS power supply. Rack-mounted UPS power supply provides more flexible and reliable power protection for equipment with harsh power environment requirements.
Lasīt vairākDriven by national policies and huge demand, my country's data center computer room business has maintained rapid development, and manufacturing plans have gradually expanded.
Lasīt vairākThe Bwitt power supply STS series is designed to ensure that users can perform uninterrupted switching between two AC power supplies under the condition of dual UPS (or two mains power supply, utt.)
Lasīt vairāk1. Definition of switching power supply and power switch A switching power supply is a type of power supply that converts alternating current into direct current to power electronic devices. The power switch…
Lasīt vairākHow to choose a suitable industrial UPS uninterruptible power supply? Many construction projects begin with dignitaries shoveling the first piece of dirt and end with these same men cutting a giant ribbon. But…
Lasīt vairākThe quickest and easiest way to test an inverter is to run the device you want to power.
Lasīt vairākWhen the rectifier enters a steady-state working state, the output DC voltage is constant, and the three-phase bridge arms of the rectifier bridge are driven according to a sinusoidal pulse width modulation rule.…
Lasīt vairākThe following introduces some switching power supply selection tips, so that everyone can avoid detours in the process of selecting switching power supply, and then try to choose regular switching power supply products…
Lasīt vairākSwitch Mode Power Supply (SMPS), also known as switching power supply and switching converter, is a high-frequency power conversion device and a type of power supply.
Lasīt vairākThe inverter product is mainly composed of an inverter bridge, control logic, and various circuits. The inverter has a wide range of uses.
Lasīt vairākThe input of the inverter is usually DC power, or DC power obtained by rectification and filtering of the mains power.
Lasīt vairāk1) For inverters with AC pass-through structure, it is forbidden to connect the mains power to the inverter and use it directly with load without DC connection.
Lasīt vairākTelpai, kur atrodas iekārta, jābūt labi vēdinātai un prom no ūdens, uzliesmojošas gāzes un kodīgas vielas; apkārtējās vides temperatūra jāuztur robežās no 0°-40°C
Lasīt vairākWith the development of network technology, higher requirements have been put forward for the network functions of inverter power supplies. High-performance inverter power supplies must meet: high input power factor,
Lasīt vairākLightning protection system: Damage to electrical equipment caused by lightning strikes is common, causing countless losses to production. In order to reduce the losses caused by lightning strikes,
Lasīt vairākPure sine wave inverter power supply is a high-quality power supply system designed specifically for power plants, substations, communications industries, automation control equipment, solar energy, oil fields
Lasīt vairākSince the inverter power supply is responsible for the conversion between DC and AC in the circuit, its safety is particularly important. If a short circuit occurs in the inverter power supply, it…
Lasīt vairākThe power inverter power supply is a convenient power converter that can convert DC12V direct current into AC220V alternating current, which is the same as the mains power. It can be used by…
Lasīt vairākWith the continuous advancement of science and technology, inverter technology has developed more extensively. Research on inverter power supplies has also developed further.
Lasīt vairākWith the development of information technology, inverter power supplies are more and more widely used in banking, securities, military, medical, aerospace and other fields.
Lasīt vairākAt present, high-power AC equipment in domestic telecommunications systems generally uses UPS as a reliable power supply solution.
Lasīt vairākIn the data center electrical system, UPS power supply (AC or DC) is the key equipment to ensure the high quality,
Lasīt vairākHigh-frequency switching power supply is a power supply device widely used in various electronic equipment. Its high efficiency and stability make it an indispensable part in many fields.
Lasīt vairākCan a transformer be used as an inverter? The answer is no. An inverter is a device composed of an inverter device.
Lasīt vairākThe BWITT power supply tops our list of the best power inverters on the market.
Lasīt vairākIs it better to choose a high frequency inverter or a power frequency inverter for the inverter? High frequency inverter and power frequency inverter are two common types of inverters.
Lasīt vairākAs the core component of the power station, how should the communication methods be selected and applied in different application scenarios? Inverter communication mode and application scenarios 2.1 4G communication Communication method introduction:…
Lasīt vairākHigh-frequency switching power supply is a device that converts, regulates and controls electric energy, and is widely used in various electronic devices and power systems.
Lasīt vairākSelect the appropriate energy efficient wye rated AC. What are the disadvantages of inverter AC? Disadvantages of Inverter AC
Lasīt vairākFirst of all, pay attention to the working voltage of the inverter, whether it is 12v, 24v or 48v, and select the corresponding battery voltage;
Lasīt vairākCommunication interruption of the inverter will lead to failure to monitor, kontrole, and adjust output in real time, affecting the overall adjustment performance of the AGC, and failing to detect inverter failures in…
Lasīt vairāk1. The fuse or fuse is blown Mainly check the diodes of the rectifier bridge, large filter capacitors, and switch tubes. Problems with the anti-interference circuit will also cause fuses or fuses to…
Lasīt vairākLead-acid batteries have the advantages of stable voltage, cheap price, simple maintenance, stable quality and high reliability,
Lasīt vairākWith the rapid development of telecommunication technology, the structure of telecommunication network is becoming more and more complex.
Lasīt vairākWhat are the classifications of inverter power supplies Inverter input and output wiring, there are still some customers accidentally connected to the wrong line, and then the machine started up, directly hung up,…
Lasīt vairākAc inverter consists of a variety of components, some of which will gradually reduce their performance and aging after long-term work, which is also the main reason for the failure of the frequency…
Lasīt vairākThe AC power supply system of the communication power inverter is composed of high-voltage power distribution equipment, step-down transformer
Lasīt vairākCommunication inverter power selection? Šodien, with the vigorous development of the communication industry, the competition in the communication power supply manufacturing industry has intensified. In addition to some key enterprises, there are also…
Lasīt vairākLike most electronics, inverters typically have two states: working normally and suddenly not working at all. Some internal components fail for some reason, and when you plug it in, nothing happens.
Lasīt vairākGenerally speaking, a variable frequency speed control device (also called frequency converter and VFD) can be used for up to 10 years under normal conditions.
Lasīt vairākThe performance of the inverter usually means that these indicators can be measured by various measuring instruments in a short time.
Lasīt vairākKā fotoelektriskās spēkstacijas elektriskās pārveidošanas iekārta, invertors spēlē svarīgu lomu visā elektrostacijā.
Lasīt vairākFirst of all, we must know that the inverter power supply is used to change the frequency. The inverter includes a rectifier circuit and an inverter circuit. T
Lasīt vairākIn daily work, the interference problem of inverter power supply has always been very troublesome, and when the interference is serious,
Lasīt vairākWhat is the main purpose of switching power supply? With the popularity of electrical equipment, switching power supply products are widely used
Lasīt vairākWhy do I need a pure sine wave inverter? When choosing an inverter, there are usually two main types to choose from, a square wave or modified sine wave inverter and a pure…
Lasīt vairākSo how to choose a DC to AC inverter manufacturer? Generally speaking, choosing a DC to AC inverter manufacturer should be considered in terms of the scale of the manufacturer
Lasīt vairākNesen, high temperature weather has occurred frequently, and the temperature in many places has exceeded 40 °C. Many users will have a misunderstanding: there is plenty of sunshine in summer, so is the…
Lasīt vairāk1. Power supply method The power supply system has a centralized power supply mode and a decentralized power supply mode. Sometimes the two methods are mixed, mainly determined by the load usage. Centralized…
Lasīt vairākReliability is the primary indicator of the communication inverter power supply equipment, and the uninterrupted communication must be guaranteed by the communication power supply first.
Lasīt vairākIn today's booming development of the communication industry, the competition in the communication power supply manufacturing industry has intensified.
Lasīt vairākThe high-frequency inverter converts low-voltage direct current into high-frequency low-voltage alternating current through high-frequency DC/AC conversion technology
Lasīt vairākThe centralized control parallel scheme of inverters is an earlier proposed scheme. In this scheme, the parallel control module detects the frequency and phase of the commercial power supply
Lasīt vairākLet's talk about the second question first. Using a -48V power supply is for historical reasons. The earliest communication network used is the telephone network
Lasīt vairākThe full name of UPS is Uninterruptible Power System, which is an AC uninterruptible power supply system.
Lasīt vairākThe key factor is the inverter module inside it, as the inverter controls the speed of the internal combustion engine according to the electrical load, thus significantly reducing fuel consumption and achieving high…
Lasīt vairākHigh-frequency switching rectifiers are the main components of modern communication power systems. The operating frequency of this switching rectifier is generally 30 uz 60 kHz (IGBT), and the MOSFET power conversion tube can…
Lasīt vairākNesen, gada vidus dēļ, daudziem klientiem ir jāsteidzas nosūtīt. Saskaņā ar iepriekšējo ražošanas plānu, piegāde var tikt veiksmīgi pabeigta,
Lasīt vairākState Grid is a huge data network structure, in which each link is particularly important. So how does the power supply station of the power grid work and what is it composed of?
Lasīt vairākIn the past ten years, my country has also made great progress in the secondary DC power supply products of exchange and transmission equipment.
Lasīt vairākLasīt vairāk